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  • Writer's pictureGeorge and Dan


Join us as we enjoy breakfast at Lumieres, take part in a musical quiz, test our origami skills, draw Donald Duck, and enjoy an amazing cocktail tasting experience onboard Disney Magic. In this weeks vlog we have a busy day onboard. As it’s our only Sea Day, we tried to cram as many activities in as we could to maximise our Disney experience.

After eating an amazing breakfast, we head to our musical quiz…. Sadly, we weren’t the best… we were amazed at how wrong we were for some of the answers!! With our defeat looming over us, we decided to try out the Origami activity onboard, we found it pretty fun. Relaxed, calm, and creative, what’s not to like!

Once we got our creative heads on, and with our two pieces of Origami completed, we went for an animators class onboard where we got the chance to draw Donald Duck! And once our drawings were near completion, the main duck himself graced us with his presence! We had a quick bite to eat a Cabanas before heading to our cocktail tasting experience (additional charge) which we really enjoyed! Only downside, it lasted just under an hour… the drinks are strong, and there’s plenty of them, so you do end up feeling the effects a little while later!


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